Archive | March 2013

Can you find the Roman pup?

New addition to the Hidden Animals post, check it out!

Hidden Animals

The Johnson Family Visits Naples

So the Johnsons were here for a week and a half. We wandered around downtown near the port and went to my art show in Castel Dell’Ovo. We went to Castel Del’Nuovo, Herculaneum aka Ercolano, and we climbed Mt. Vesuvius. We went underground Naples one night and walked through some Roman ruins underneath some housing that was illegally built on top, yet the city cannot remove the people and finish excavating.

The last weekend they were here we went up to Rome and saw the bone church (Santa Maria dell Concezione, used thousands of skeletons/various human bones to decorate 4 rooms…look it up online, they did not allow photos), Vatican City, Piazza dell Popolo (a main piazza in Angels and Demons), and Justin and I went into Doria Pamphilij Museum while the Johnson’s went to the Colosseum.

Most of the trips went smoothly, minus getting rained out for Capri the first weekend…which the Johnsons made up during the week while Justin and I were at work. My favorite thing was probably climbing Mt. Vesuvius…though seeing Deb’s reaction when entering the bone church was pretty priceless. Enjoy the proof of our past couple weeks:

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Art Show at Castel Dell’Ovo

I was invited to participate in an art show at Castel Dell’Ovo in Naples, Italy from March 9th-March 21st. The show was called “One Mind and One Heart”, an Asian based art show about Fukushima and more generally, all humanity against any plight.


If you want to see/read about my work and view some other pictures of the art from the show, please visit my flickr site:

Lithograph Conservation

Bella Napoli, Castel Dell’Ovo Art Exhibit

I went downtown this morning because I was supposed to man the desk at Castel Dell’Ovo for the “One Mind One Heart” art exhibition. Due to some translation issues I didn’t have to stay the whole time. So anyways, these pictures are from this morning, Sunday, before most crowds and people selling crap were all out and about…so it looks nice.

Visit my flickr account for my art pictures and details from the show:

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